Saturday, 18 February 2012


After a considerable break (I've been... time travelling... or... something) from the blog, I woke up waaay too early this morning (after last nights creative blog session with some friends who are starting a catering company, wine was involved), I felt pretty creative myself, so I grabbed my camera and snapped away. 

Though it's still snowy as hell (though some might say that's an oxymoron) outside, the light is slowly starting to return to Finland, hurrah! So one doesn't need a flash anymore to take a few photos. Hurrah! Also, the kaamosmasennus that's been holding us Finns in it's dark and cold little fingers is slowly but surely lifting,

But yes, so to start things off again I wanted to share some books I picked up, for free, from my local Kierrätyskeskus. Not in the best shape, but oh so lovely! Did I mention they were free?

A Swedish school atlas from 1966: I'm in love with maps.

I'm also in love with polar bears.

A stack of freebie books with pretty spine covers. I have a few piles lying around the house with potted plants on top, haven't quite figured out what to do with them yet... Hmm...

(Jos ylläolevassa pinossa on jonkun mielestä joku hyväkin kirja, niin kertokaa, voishan niitä lukeakin!)

Linnut värikuvina : Pictures of birds in colour, from 1928.
The previous owner of the book (called Mauri Valkama, claimed ownership text found on the first page with some awesome drawings and scribbles in what I believe is Russian) had accessorized some of the birds with pipes.
Which is awesome.
I had this frame lying around, so I stuck a bird in it. 
A school book on nature from 1952, there's a lot of text in this one, but also some lovely drawings. 
Plus, the pages have aged really nicely. 

If anyone has any ideas on what to do with old books (feel bad about ripping out pictures or pages... but all's fair in love and... books...?), let me know! I welcome all suggestions!

Ps: Did you spot the bookworm?

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